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vom 18.05.2016

Clinical Trial ATACC has been Initiated

In May 2016 the clinical trial ATACC started recruitment. It is a phase I trial of adoptive T cell therapy with activated P53 specific T cells for the treatment of advanced Colorectal Cancer.
The trial is conducted by the Department of Surgery of the Heidelberg University Hospital and the Department of Medical Oncology of the NCT Heidelberg together with the GMP Unit for Cellular Therapy of the DKFZ Heidelberg. Scientific Head is Prof. Dr. Beckhove (now Regensburg Center for Interventional Immunology) and Principle Investigator is Prof. Dr. Ulrich (Dep. o. Surgery). The NCT Trial Center supports preparation phase and the conduct of this trial since the years of the first idea. The GMP manufacturing of the patient individual, activated T-cells is carried out by the team of Prof. Dr. Eichmüller at the DKFZ (Figure 1). Financial support is granted by the Dietmar Hopp Stiftung.

In this trial 10 to 15 patients will be enrolled, depending on observed toxicities. Recruitment is performed at Heidelberg only. Patients are treated after four cycles of first-line standard chemo-, antibody-therapy by a single transfer of P53 activated autologous T-cells harvested by leucapheresis before. Because of consecutive enrollment a clinical phase of 2 years is expected.

For further information regarding the trial please refer to NCT´s study database at CTIS or the NCT homepage.