The interdisciplinary research network aims at analyzing the normative implications of systems medicine with regard to three key aspects. Core of the project are questions concerning possible new responsibilities of physicians and researchers. Regarding diagnosis and therapy, researchers become more important for analysis and interpretation of patient data. This raises questions about their responsibilities for patients and attending physicians. Furthermore, since approaches in systems medicine deal with huge amounts of patient-related data, questions about the value as well as need for protecting the patients’ privacy arise. The third key aspect deals with the consequences of systems medicine for the patients’ relatives with regard to the handling of genetic information. The project consists of a socio-empirical, an ethical and a legal subproject and works in close collaboration with a local, natural scientific panel of experts from genomic research and clinical practice.
Contact: Dr. C. Schickhardt
Dr. phil. Christoph Schickhardt
Phone: +49 6221 56-36756