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Cancer Core Europe: a European alliance against cancer

The Cancer Core Europe (CCE) consortium brings together seven leading European Comprehensive Cancer Centers (CCC) to connect their expertise in cancer research and treatment and to maximize critical mass. This enables a rapid transfer of experimental knowledge from top research to the clinics - for the benefit of cancer patients.

Cancer treatment is becoming increasingly complex as the treatment options for each patient are more and more determined by comprehensive analyses of molecular, cellular and functional properties of individual tumors. Immunotherapy and various approaches in personalized oncology are becoming increasingly important. Cooperation between different cancer centers is crucial in order to implement promising research approaches into clinical application more quickly and to carry out the necessary clinical trials. Thereby, the CCE members form a “translation platform” to examine the effectiveness of new cancer treatments.

The integration of specialist knowledge, existing infrastructures, research results and the related data enables a deeper understanding of the various tumor types and the underlying mechanisms.

In addition, CCE and the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) host the annual educational event “Summer School in Translational Cancer Research”, which is organized by the National Center for Tumor Diseases (NCT) Heidelberg and supported by the German Cancer Consortium (DKTK) as well as others. This event brings together early career researchers and clinicians from around the globe and esteemed lecturers that cover a broad spectrum of topics.