Team: Dr. med. Lena Woydack, Dr. phil. Katja Mehlis
End-of-life decision-making in cancer patients is a challenging process for patients, relatives and the medical team. In particular consultations about limiting cancer specific therapy can affect the doctor-patient-relationship negatively.
The aim of the ELBA study (ethical guideline for advanced care planning in Oncology – adaptation and implementation) is the transfer of a clinical practice guideline about limiting life-prolonging treatment, which was initially developed in the EPAL project, to the NCT.
Next to the adaption of the guideline, the implementation as well as the evaluation of its impact on medical practice will be focus of the study.
The following aspects will be analyzed within a mixed methods approach (medical record review and qualitative interview study):
- Analysis of the current practice at the NCT with regard to decisions on limiting cancer specific therapy
- Perceptions and experiences of physicians at the NCT concerning these decisions
Elevator Pitch NCT
Woydack L, Mehlis K, Winkler EC. “‘Nun, wir müssen entscheiden, wem wir das zumuten können‘. Eine empirisch-ethische Studie zur Kommunikation von Möglichkeiten und Grenzen innovativer Therapieansätze in der Onkologie“ DGHO Jahrestagung 2019 11.-14.10.2019, Berlin
Woydack L, Mehlis K, Winkler EC. “The temptation to hide behind the molecules instead of talking about the existential - An empirical ethics study on Oncologists' reflections concerning communication about realistic goals of therapy” 1st German Cancer Research Congress, 04.-05.02.2019, Heidelberg