
Ethics and Patient Oriented Care in Oncology (NCT-EPOC)

Prof. Dr. med. Dr. phil. Eva Winkler leads the research group “Ethics and Patient Oriented Care in Oncology” at the National Center for Tumor Diseases (NCT) Heidelberg. Her research focusses on the intersection of research and health care from the perspective of medical ethics. The multidisciplinary research group comprises researchers from the natural sciences and humanities combining competencies from the fields of philosophy/ethics, social sciences, biology, and medicine.

The envisaged realization of Translational Medical Ethics benefits from the research group’s close connection to the NCT as Top Oncological Center and from the expertise in the combination of theory-driven ethical analysis with empirical social research (qualitative and quantitative).

Research Topics

The research group systematically studies issues in the field of clinical ethics, research ethics, and ethical questions concerning the health system (Health Policy Ethics). These fields cover topics such as the informed-consent-process in research, patient’s rights relating to self-determination in treatment decisions, and ethical justification of expensive treatments facing limited resources in health care. In addition to scientific publications, the research group develops and implements concrete recommendations and policies for stakeholders.

Research group NCT-EPOC (f.l.t.r.):

Dr. Eric Apondo, Dr. Katja Mehlis, Dr. Julia König, Dr. Andrea Züger, Andreas Bruns, PhD., Prof. Dr. Dr. Eva Winkler, Lukas Kiefer, Dr. Martin Jungkunz, Dr. Markus Herrmann, Karla Alex, Andreas Wabro, Sascha Settegast, Dr. Christoph Schickhardt.

Not shown in the picture: Dr. Katsiaryna Laryionava, Julie Schweer, Dr. Christian Wendelborn, Rebecca Boekels, Katja Schabet, Ludmila Miklová