Immunotherapies for cancer are designed to support or activate the body’s own immune system, in order to detect and attack cancer cells. immunotherapies are currently being intensively studied. There are various approaches to treatment. Aside from strategies for therapeutic inoculation, recent years have seen increased attention on so called immune-checkpoint-inhibitors.
For a number of years now, these checkpoint inhibitors have been approved and available for black skin cancer and advanced lung cancer. Therapeutic cancer inoculation is currently being tested in clinical trials.
You can find information on most currently running immunotherapy trials outside of the NCT at For further information please contact the respective institutions.
Information on side effects can be found in the patient handbook on p. 20-21.
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Further information can be found on the website of the Cancer Information Service (only available in German):
Video: Frequently asked questions about immunotherapy
Bei der Immuntherapie handelt es sich um eine relativ neue Methode der Krebstherapie. Was passiert dabei in unserem Körper, für wen kommt diese Art der Behandlung in Frage, wie läuft die Therapie genau ab und was sind mögliche Nebenwirkungen? Diese und weitere häufige Fragen zur Immuntherapie beantwortet Frau Dr. med. Mareike Dietrich, Fachärztin für Onkologie am NCT Heidelberg. SOFIA ist ein Online-Angebot am NCT Heidelberg zur Unterstützung des Symptommanagements für Patienten unter Immuntherapie.