Ethical and Legal Aspects of Translational Medicine (EURAT)
The EURAT platform exists since 2011 and was founded as an interdisciplinary and inter-institutional group to ethically accompany ethical and legal questions of genome sequencing and translation of new technologies into the clinic.
EURAT is formed by scholars from Heidelberg University, Heidelberg University Hospital, the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), the National Center for Tumor Diseases (NCT), and the Hopp-Kindertumorzentum (KiTZ), who come from both the normative sciences (ethics, law) and the life sciences (biology, medicine, etc.).
EURAT is funded by the German Cancer Research Center. In the past, funding was provided by the Marsilius Kolleg.
- EURAT: Stellungnahme zum Umgang mit genetischen Zusatzbefunden Minderjähriger, Heidelberg 2023
- EURAT: Position paper on the return of additional genetic findings in minors, Heidelberg 2023
- EURAT: On the release of raw genomic data to patients and study participants, Heidelberg 2019
- EURAT: Stellungnahme zur Herausgabe genomischer Rohdaten an Patient_innen und Studienteilnehmende, Heidelberg 2019
- EURAT: Cornerstones for an ethically and legally informed practice of Whole Genome Sequencing, 2nd, updated Edition, Heidelberg 2016
- EURAT: Eckpunkte für eine Heidelberger Praxis der Ganzgenomsequenzierung, 2nd, updated edition, Heidelberg 2015
- EURAT: Cornerstones for an ethically and legally informed practice of Whole Genome Sequencing, Heidelberg 2013
- EURAT: Eckpunkte für eine Heidelberger Praxis der Ganzgenomsequenzierung, Heidelberg 2013