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Prof. Dr. med. Dr. phil. Eva Winkler

Heisenberg Professor; Head of the Section for Translational Medical Ethics, Heidelberg University Hospital (UKHD); Board of Managing Directors NCT; Project Speaker EURAT
E-mail: eva.winkler(at)
Twitter: @EthicsWinkler
ResearchGate: Eva C. Winkler

Contact for administrative questions:

Further Information:

Karla Alex

Background: Philosophy/Ethics, German Language and Literature Studies
Areas of Competence: normative and applied ethics, bioethics, research ethics, medical ethics (esp. genome editing, epigenome editing, assisted reproduction, epigenetics); Modern German Literature Studies (R. M. Rilke; Romanticism; literature and ethics)
Projects: COMPASS-ELSI (Comparative Assessment of Genome and Epigenome Editing in Medicine: Ethical, Legal and Social Implications),
NEW_LIVES: Genomic NEWborn screening programs – Legal Implications, Value, Ethics and Society
Phone: +49 6221 56-37216
E-mail: karla.alex(at)

Rebecca Boekels

Background: Medicine
Areas of Competence: Medical Student, Decision Making in Health Care and Medicine
Projects: PETUPAL
E-mail: rebecca.boekels(at)

Andreas Bruns, PhD.

Background: Philosophy / Ethics
Areas of Competence: Medical Ethics, Normative Ethics, Political Philosophy
Projects: GHGA (German Human Genome-Phenome Archive), FAIR DS (FAIR-Data Spaces)
E-mail: Andreas.Bruns(at)

Isabell Haase-Saebel

Background:  European Culture and History of Ideas, Philosophy, Art History
Areas of competence: Practical Philosophy (e.g. Children Ethics), Political Philosophy (critical theory), Aesthetics, Anthropology
Project: ITCC International Data Integration Platform – WP6 – Ethics
Phone: +49 6221 56-36473
E-Mail: Isabell.Haase-Saebel(at)

PD Dr. Markus Herrmann

Background: Philosophy/Ethics, Rhetoric, Latin
Areas of Competence: Personhood and AI
Projects: Scientific Coordinator
Phone: +49 6221 56-37125
E-Mail: markus.herrmann(at)

Dr. phil. Martin Jungkunz

Background: Philosophy/Ethics, Sociology, Psychology
Areas of Competence: political ethics; metaethics; social philosophy; data management;
Projects: LinCDat (Learning from Clinical Data), EURAT
Phone: +49 6221 56-35059
E-Mail: martin.jungkunz(at)

Lukas Kiefer

Background: Philosophy/Ethics
Areas of Competence: Medical Ethics, Ethics in Research, Anthropology
Projects: Marsilius-Project: “Treuhand” (Fiduciary relationships in medical ethics), Scientific coordinator
Phone: +49 6221 56-38732
E-mail: LukasSimeon.Kiefer(at)

Dr. med. Julia König MAE

Background: Medicine (Internal Medicine, Hematology and Medical Oncology)/Ethics
Areas of Competence: applied ethics, medical ethics, doctor-patient-communication, economisation in oncology
E-mail: Julia.Koenig(at)

Dr. phil. Katja Mehlis

Background: Social Science and Humanities
Areas of Competence: Empirical Research Methods, Psycho-Oncology, Financial Toxicity, Patient-Reported-Outcomes
Projects: EPAL, ELBA, PAC-E, Cancer and Poverty, LinCDat, FIAT, ELABORATE
Phone: +49 6221 56-38407

Lars Neth, M.A.

Background: Philosophy/Ethics, Comparative Literature
Areas of Competence: Practical Philosophy (Metaethics, Normative Ethics, Social and Political Philosophy, Applied Ethics, Philosophy of Emotions)
Projects: NEW_LIVES
Phone: +49 6221 56-38259
E-mail: Lars.Neth(at)

Katja Schabet

Background: Medicine
Projects: PAC-E (Preferences and Activity in Cancer Patients & the Elderly)

Dr. phil. Christoph Schickhardt

Background: Philosophy/Ethics
Areas of Competence: Ethics of biomedical research and translational medicine; Ethics of genomics, Genomics and big data in health care; Data Sharing and Data Protection; Childhood ethics.
Projects: HiGHmed, coNfirm, DASYMED 
Phone: +49 6221 56-36756
E-mail: christoph.schickhardt(at)

Dr. phil. Julie Schweer

Background: Philosophy/Ethics, Medical Informatics
Areas of Competence: Philosophy of science (esp. scientific explanation, computer modeling and simulation), Data ethics
Projects: HiGHmed
Phone: +49 6221 56-35681
E-mail: julie.schweer(at)

Andreas Wabro

Background: Medicine (MD candidate), Law (Mag. iur., LL.M.)
Areas of Competence: Ethics of Artificial Intelligence, Medical Law
E-mail: andreas.wabro(at)

Dr. sc. hum. Aline Weis

Background: Social Sciences, Medical Process Management, Health Services Research
Areas of Competence: Patient and Public Involvement, Digitalization in Healthcare, Cross-sectoral Care, Climate Change Mitigation in Healthcare
Projects: Patients as Partners in Research
Phone: +49 6221 56-35727

Associated Physician:

PD Dr. med. Stefanie Zschäbitz

E-mail: Stefanie.Zschaebitz(at)

Team Assistant

Neil Brinkmann
Phone: +49 6221 56-310831
E-mail: neil.brinkmann(at)

Research Assistants:

  • Sophie Ludewigs
  • Johanna Müller
  • Sophia Reitmayer
  • Niamh Sulzbach