
Contact Group Leader


Prof.Dr.med.Dr.phil. Eva Winkler

E-mail: eva.winkler@med.uni-heidelberg.de

Cancer and Poverty

Financial consequences of cancer in patients with neuroendocrine and colorectal tumors

The diagnosis of cancer, along with subsequent related care, imposes a number of burdens on patients - physical, emotional, and financial. The financial expenses extend well beyond the cost of medication, surgery, and related treatments. So far, the extent and consequences of the cancer-related out-of-pocket costs and experience-reduced income for cancer patients in Germany is poorly understood. In the U.S., studies show that patients under cancer treatment experience considerable financial burden and even alter their care to defray out-of-pocket expenses. In Germany out-of-pocket expenses have also been remarkably increased as response to rising healthcare costs with the passage of the Health-Modernising-Act (Gesundheitsmodernisierungsgesetz 2004). The aim of the project is to provide an overview on patients’ financial losses and risk for poverty due a malignant debilitating disease and to demonstrate the costs for patients, health- and public insurances. A further aim is to develop a tool to early detect patients’ problems with economic/social poverty.

Aim of the project:

  • To investigate the effects of cancer costs and income losses due to NET diagnosis
  • To investigate impact of financial losses on treatment choices
  • Aiming at early detection of patients at risk for impoverishment


Ipsen Pharma GmbH

Cooperation Partner

Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Greiner, Department for Health Economics and Health Care Management, Faculty of Public Health, University of Bielefeld

  • The patient-level effect of the cost of Cancer care – financial burden in German Cancer patients. Mehlis K, Witte J, Surmann B, Kudlich M, Apostolidis L, Walther J, Jäger D, Greiner W, Winkler EC.
    BMC Cancer 2020;20:529 https://doi.org/10.1186/s12885-020-07028-4
  • Finanzielle Auswirkung von Krebserkrankungen und sozialethische Implikationen
    Mehlis K, Surmann B, Winkler EC
    Der Onkologe 2020;26(5), 425-430, DOI: 10.1007/s00761-020-00722-9

  • Witte J, Mehlis K, Surmann B, Lingnau R, Damm O, Greiner W, Winkler EC (2019). “Methods for measuring financial toxicity after cancer diagnosis and treatment: a systematic review and its implications” Ann Oncol. 2019 May 2. pii: mdz140. doi: 10.1093/annonc/mdz140

  • Financial toxicity in patients with neuroendocrine tumors – impact of a chronic disease on patients’ economic situation Apostolidis L, Mehlis K, Kudlich M, Witte J, Walther J, Greiner W, Winkler EC. Annals of Oncology 2017. 28. 10.1093/annonc/mdx368.021.

  • Subjective Financial Burden Among German Cancer Patients - Relationship Of The Patients’ Economic Situation And Subjective Distress
    Witte J, Mehlis K, Kudlich M, Apostolidis L, Walther J, Greiner W, Winkler EC.
    Value in Health 2017. 20. A457. 10.1016/j.jval.2017.08.332.
  • Winkler EC,  Mehlis K, Surmann B, Witte J, Lingnau R, Apostolidis L, Kudlich M, Walther J, Greiner W. “Financial toxicity in German cancer patients. How does a chronic disease impact the economic situation?” Annals of Oncology, Volume 29 Supplement 8 October 2018

  • Mehlis K, Witte J, Surmann B, Kudlich M, Apostolidis L, Walther J, Greiner W, Winkler EC. „Financial Toxicity in Cancer Patients: Impact of a Chronic Disease on Patients' Economic Situation and Psychosocial Outcomes” Psychother Psych Med 2018; 68(08): e18.
  • Apostolidis L, Mehlis K, Witte J, Surmann B, Kudlich M, Walther J, Greiner W, Winkler EC. “Financial toxicity in patients with colorectal cancer and neuroendocrine tumors” Journal of Clinical Oncology 2018 36:15_suppl, 6533-6533

  • Mehlis K, Kudlich M, Apostolidis L, Witte J, Walther J, Greiner W, Winkler EC. "Financial toxicity in patients with colorectal and neuroendocrine tumors: Impact of a chronic disease on patients' economic situation" Oncol Res Treat 41(suppl 1) VII–221 (2018)

  • Winkler EC, Mehlis K, Kudlich M, Apostolidis L,  Witte J,  Walther J, Greiner W. “Financial Toxicity in Patients with Neuroendocrine Tumor Disease. A so far Underestimated “Side Effect” of Cancer in Germany?” Neuro Endocrinology 2018. 106 Suppl 1.

  • Mehlis K, Kudlich M, Apostolidis L, Witte J, Walther J, Greiner W, Winkler EC. Cancer and financial toxicity in patients with colorectal and neuroendocrine tumors – how does a chronic disease impact the patients’ economic situation?" Oncol Res Treat 2017;40(suppl 3):1-308


  • „Financial toxicity in patients with colorectal and neuroendocrine tumors: Impact of a chronic disease on patients' economic situation” (Mehlis K, Kudlich M, Apostolidis L, Witte J, Walther J, Greiner W, Winkler EC.), 33. Deutscher Krebskongress (Vortrag, Best of Freier Beitrag), Berlin, 21.-24.2.2018
  • „Subjective financial burden among German cancer patients - relationship of the patients’ economic situation and subjective distress” (Witte J, Mehlis K, Kudlich M, Apostolidis L, Walther J, Greiner W, Winkler EC.), ISPOR 20th Annual European Congress, Glasgow, 04.-08.11.2017
  • „Krebs und finanzielle Auswirkungen am Beispiel von Patienten mit neuroendokrinen und kolorektalen Tumoren - wie wirkt sich eine chronische Erkrankung auf die wirtschaftliche Situation der Patienten aus?“ (Mehlis K, Kudlich M, Apostolidis L, Witte J, Walther J, Greiner W, Winkler EC.), Jahrestagung der Deutschen, Österreichischen und Schweizerischen Gesellschaften für Hämatologie und Medizinische Onkologie, Stuttgart, 29.9. -3.10.2017
  • „Financial toxicity in patients with neuroendocrine tumors – impact of a chronic disease on patients’ economic situation” (Apostolidis L, Mehlis K, Kudlich M, Witte J, Walther J, Greiner W, Winkler EC.), ESMO 2017 Congress, Madrid, 8.-12.9.2017
  • Winkler EC,  Mehlis K,  Surmann B, Witte J, Lingnau R, Apostolidis L, Kudlich M, Walther J, Greiner W. “Financial toxicity in German cancer patients – how does a chronic disease impact the economic situation?” ESMO 2018 Congress, 19.-23.10.2018, München
  • Mehlis K, Witte J, Surmann B, Kudlich M, Apostolidis L, Walther J, Greiner W, Winkler EC. „Financial toxicity in cancer patients – impact of a chronic disease on patients’ economic situation and psychosocial outcomes.” Gemeinsamer Kongresses der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Medizinische Psychologie e.V. und der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Medizinische Soziologie e.V., 16.-28.09.2018, Leipzig
  • Apostolidis L, Mehlis K, Witte J, Surmann B, Kudlich M,  Walther J, Greiner W, Winkler EC. „Financial toxicity in patients with colorectal cancer and neuroendocrine tumors.” 2018 ASCO Annual Meeting, June 1-5, Chicago, USA.
  • Winkler EC, Mehlis K, Kudlich M, Apostolidis L,  Witte J,  Walther J, Greiner W. "Financial Toxicity in Patients with Neuroendocrine Tumor Disease. A so far Underestimated "Side Effect" of Cancer in Germany?" 15th Annual ENETS Conference, 07.-09.03.2018, Barcelona, Spain