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Regina Hohmann
NCT Heidelberg
Im Neuenheimer Feld 460
69120 Heidelberg

Tel.: 06221 56-36146

Funding programme “Spenden gegen Krebs”

Every year, NCT Heidelberg project teams can apply for funding from the "Donations for Cancer" program. A selection committee of experts from various disciplines assesses the applications submitted. After examination, research projects are selected to be funded with donations. This year, the selection committee has chosen three projects each from the fields of translational research and “Nursing care and counseling”:

Can we make molecular effects visible under radiotherapy?

Dr. Lukas Bauer, PD Dr. Thomas Held, Prof. Dr. Lena Maier-Hein, Prof. Dr. Jessica Hassel

Multispectral optoacoustic tomography (MSOT) is a non-invasive method for real-time imaging of tissues, including tumors. MSOT devices can improve the monitoring of tumor progression during radiotherapy.

However, the analysis of multispectral photoacoustic images is challenging. Initial deep learning approaches show potential, but the precise identification of causal relationships and the development of reliable models is difficult due to limited data sets and confounding factors. The project team plans to create the first comprehensive photoacoustic dataset of radiotherapy patients with head and neck and skin tumors. This will be used for deep learning models that automatically analyze the course of therapy and estimate the radiotherapeutic tumor response in order to enable effective and gentle radiotherapy concepts.

More precise prostate irradiation using CERN technology

Dr. Maria Martisikova, Dr. Semi Harrabi, Dr. Laurent Kelleter, Prof. Dr. Oliver Jaekel

Compared to conventional radiotherapy with photons, the use of carbon beams enables a more precise concentration of the dose on the target tissue. However, the variable surrounding of prostate cancer is a major challenge.

Within the "InViMo" project of the NCT Proof of Concept (PoC) Trial Program, researchers have developed a world-wide unique imaging device based on CERN technology. It uses secondary radiation in form of nuclear fragments of carbon ions. The project team is investigating the potential of this device for prostate treatments on models and in simulations and is testing whether the quality of the images enables more targeted irradiation. In addition to improved protection of sensitive organs, the method would open up a way to further dose escalation.

Clinical and genomic risk factors of CIPN in patients with breast cancer

PD Dr. Laura Michel, Dr. Dr. Daniel Hübschmann, Dr. Steffen Hirsch, Eva Klein

Chemotherapy-induced peripheral nerve damage (neuropathy; CIPN) is one of the most common, dose-limiting side effects of cytotoxic drugs. The pathomechanism of CIPN and possible risk factors are still poorly understood, which makes it difficult to develop diagnostic and treatment options.

Assessment of the individual risk would be of great clinical importance. Patients with an increased risk could benefit from early adaptation of the treatment regimen, close clinical monitoring and prophylactic interventions. In the planned study, patients with metastatic breast cancer and from whom whole genome sequencing of the germline is available from the CATCH study will first be retrospectively questioned about CIPN and quality of life. Clinical and genomic risk factors will then be investigated comparativelyLong-term goal is to develop a genetic risk score that can be used to better assess the individual risk of persistent nerve damage caused by chemo.

#innovate goes internal medicine - innovation room on the NCT ward

Birhan Iscan, B.A., Jonas Hoch, M.Sc., Sindy Beer, PD Dr. Tilmann Bochtler

The „Innovationsraum Pflege“ („Nursing Innovation Room“) is to be tested on the NCT ward (Department of Internal Medicine), following the example of the Neurology Clinic at the UKHD. The aim is to optimize inpatient care and staff satisfaction through an optimized communication culture, improved processes, digital tools and the faster transfer of ideas from nursing staff into practice.

The „Innovationsraum Pflege“ bundles a variety of measures to this end, contributing to excellent patient care and an attractive place to work. The aim of the project is to establish the NCT ward as a contact point for innovations, inpatient research and clinical studies in oncological diseases. The concept is based on the concept of lean management and the five principles of the New Work Charter. The project is being carried out in close cooperation with the Neurological Clinic and the Chair of Nursing and Therapeutic Science at the Faculty of Medicine.

Eating with pleasure - strengthened against cancer

Matthias Hoffmann, Anne-Kathrin Müller, Natalie Schweigert

For more than 60 percent of people affected by cancer and its treatment, eating is affected. The effects usually lead to reduced food intake with a loss of substance and quality of life.

Up to now, advice has mainly focused on physical maintenance, with little on practice-oriented offer for nutritional problems such as lack of appetite or altered taste perception. This is where the cooking project "Eating with pleasure - strengthened against cancer" comes in. Workshops are held with a professional chef and a nutrition expert. Sensory tests are used to record taste perception and preferences, which are then taken into account when selectingrecipes. Discussions within the group provide additional support in accepting the changed eating situation and finding a way of dealing with it. The project aims to give patients confidence in the area of nutrition and thus improve their quality of life. The influence of a practice-oriented program on dealing with nutritional problems is recorded before and after the measure.

IMPROVE: Prehabilitation for pancreatic and esophageal cancer

Prof. Dr. Joachim Wiskemann, Dr. med. Max Heckler, Prof. Dr. Christoph Springfeld. PD Dr. Georg Martin Haag, PD Dr. Susanne Roth

Surgical procedures are an important part of treatment for cancer, but the risk of complications is high. The preparation of patients by an interdisciplinary team as part of what ist known asprehabilitation could reduce the risks and problems after surgery.

The IMPROVE project aims to demonstrate the feasibility of needs-oriented, interdisciplinary and multimodal prehabilitation for patients with pancreatic or esophageal cancer. An interdisciplinary team from the fields of exercise therapy, nutritional therapy, psycho-oncology, surgery and oncology develops individual prehabilitation plans, which are carried out by the counseling services at the NCT Heidelberg until shortly before surgery. The aim is to improve the physical and mental condition of patients in order to reduce perioperative and postoperative complications and strengthen resilience.