
Information Material

Here you find flyers and brochures as PDF files (only available in German). Click on a cover to start the download.

Counseling services at NCT

Counseling services



Brochure NCT/DKTK-Master

MASTER program




Patient care

Flyer Counseling "PNP"

Counseling "PNP"


Counseling "pain management"

Flyer: Patient training

Patient training

Flyer: Hand-foot syndrome

Hand-foot syndrome


Exhaustion in cancer:


Psycho-oncology service

Flyer: Group program "finding a way to cope with worries"

Group program "finding a way to cope with worries"

Flyer: Group program "stress management"

Group program "stress management"

Flyer: Group program for children of parents with cancer

Group program for children of parents with cancer


Physical activity and cancer

Physical activity and cancer


OnkoAktiv e.V.


Polyneuropathy information manual


For children and parents: Sport and exercise for polyneuropathy


Guide program and self-help/patient advisory committee

Guide program at NCT


Self-help and patient advisory committee


General information about NCT Heidelberg

Integrative oncology

Integrative oncology (Flyer German)