Completed Projects
- Marsilius-Project: "Treuhand" (Fiduciary relationships in medical ethics)
- PETUPAL: Preference-based decision aid to support participatory decisions about tumor-specific and palliative therapy in the last months of life
- Comparative Assessment of Genome and Epigenome Editing in Medicine: Ethical, Legal and Social Implications (COMPASS-ELSI)
- PAC-E: Preferences and Activity in Cancer Patients & the Elderly
- Learning from Clinical Data. Ethical, Social and Legal Aspects (LinCDat)
- Carrots and Sticks? Data Sharing Policies for (German) Public Research Funders. Ethical, Legal, Social, and Behavioural Aspects (DATABLIC)
- End-of-Life Decision Making (EPAL)
- Big Data in Systems Medicine. Normative and Social Aspects for Physicians, Scientists, Patients and Society (DASYMED)
- CoNfirm – Subproject 3: Data Sharing and Data Protection
- Ethical guideline for advanced care planning in Oncology – adaptation and implementation (ELBA)
- Ethical issues of the use of electronic health records (INFOPAT)
- Financial consequences of cancer in patients with neuroendocrine and colorectal tumors (Cancer and Poverty)