„Interdisciplinary research, preventing and treating cancer, to benefit patients“. This is the aim at the National Center for Tumor Diseases (NCT) in Heidelberg. With this unifying approach, the NCT Heidelberg was the first German Cancer Center to set new standards. The NCT Heidelberg is an internationally renowned Center of Excellence and receives intensive support from its supporting organizations.
Oncology Center of Excellence
Since 2006, it has been designated as an Oncology Center of Excellence by the German Cancer Aid.
Increase of the usable floor space of the NCT Heidelberg by around 50 per cent.
The NCT is a collaboration between the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), partners in university medicine and other research partners at six locations in Germany.
Magazine Connect
The magazine is intended for patients, supporters, cooperation partners and anyone interested in the work at the NCT Heidelberg.