
Renal cell carcinoma

Recruiting after consultation
Open recruiting

Neoadjuvant Therapy

There are currently no studies available

Adjuvant Therapy

There are currently no studies available

Metastatic Disease: First-Line-Therapy

Title: A Dose-Escalation and Expansion Study of the Safety and Efficacy of XL092 in Combination With Immuno-Oncology Agents in Subjects With Unresectable Advanced or Metastatic Solid Tumors
Phase: Ib
Contact: Monika Pipa / Study Nurse
Clinical Investigator: Dr. med. Stefanie Zschäbitz
Registration: Die Studie ist bei den U.S. National Institutes of Health(ClinicalTrials.gov) registriert. Siehe NCT05176483
EudraCT-Number: Siehe EU klinisches Studienregister 2021-004855-18

Metastatic Disease: Follow-Up Treatment

Title: Phase I/IIa, First-in-human (FIH), Open-label, Dose Escalation Trial With Expansion Cohorts to Evaluate Safety and Preliminary Efficacy of CLDN6 CAR-T With or Without CLDN6 RNA-LPX in Patients With CLDN6-positive Relapsed or Refractory Advanced Solid Tumors
Phase: I/II
Contact: Christin Keller / Kontaktperson
Clinical Investigator: Prof. Dr. med. Guy Ungerechts
Registration: Die Studie ist bei den U.S. National Institutes of Health(ClinicalTrials.gov) registriert. Siehe NCT04503278
EudraCT-Number: Siehe EU klinisches Studienregister 2019-004323-20

Surgical Study

Title: Hand-Assisted Laparoscopic Donor Nephrectomy PERiumbilical Versus Pfannenstiel Incision and Return to Normal Physical ACTivity
Phase: N/A
Contact: Klinisches Studienzentrum der Chirurgie (KSC) / Kontaktperson
Email-Address: KSC@med.uni-heidelberg.de
Clinical Investigator: PD Dr. med. Yakub Kulu
Registration: Die Studie ist bei den U.S. National Institutes of Health(ClinicalTrials.gov) registriert. Siehe NCT03317184
EudraCT-Number: Keine Angabe. Nicht-interventionelle Studien oder Studien, die nicht unter das Arzneimittelgesetz fallen, besitzen keine EudraCT-Nummer.

Radiotherapy Study

There are currently no studies available

Other study

There are currently no studies available