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Center for Familial Breast and Ovarian Cancer (FBREK)

The Center for Familial Breast and Ovarian Cancer (FBREK) at Heidelberg University Hospital (UKHD) has been certified according to the criteria of the German Cancer Society (DKG) since 2023. The prerequisites for certification include intensive cooperation in the fields of gynecology, human genetics, oncology, radiology, pathology and psycho-oncology, joint case discussions, constant quality controls, a high level of expertise measured by the number of patients as well as training and further education opportunities.

The center is a point of contact for women and men in whose families breast cancer or ovarian cancer has occurred frequently or at a particularly young age. It offers them comprehensive and interdisciplinary advice and care. This also includes the offer of genetic analysis and, if necessary, preventive measures and therapies.  In addition, patients are informed about screening options and can take part in a program of intensified early detection and aftercare.

The center is networked with surrounding clinics and certified breast and gynecological cancer centers in the region in order to provide patients with the highest level of care close to home.