Exercise Oncology
Early observational studies suggest that physical exercise may have an impact on survival and recurrence of the disease. Study data are available for breast, colon and prostrate cancer. In addition, first studies showed that beside patient's quality of life, therapy-and illness-related side-effects were also positively impacted by systematic sports and exercise therapy.

For this reason, our research group "Exercise Oncology" is investigating the preventive and rehabilitative effect of sports and exercise therapy as well as its physiological surrogate parameters such as endurance and muscular strength, in view of the side effects of the tumor therapy and the prognosis. The optimization of oncological treatment as well as the needs of our patients are always at the core, they shape our concepts and efforts. With methodically sophisticated clinical studies, we strive to push forward the development of evidence-based sports and exercise-based therapeutic training programs for cancer patients.
Respective programs will be designed specifically for disease situations, side effects and the individual patients' characteristics. The knowledge gained from the studies will then be translated into specific treatment programs for our patients.
» Counseling service "Physical Activity and Cancer"»
Our research group works in close cooperation with the Division of Physical Activity, Prevention and Cancer, headed by Prof. Karen Steindorf.
- Clinical studies on the efficacy of physical activity and sports in cancer patients with the emphasis on breast, lung, and pancreatic cancer as well as leukemia/lymphoma (allogenic stem cell transplantation) and pediatric oncology.
- Development and evaluation of side-effect-oriented treatment pathways involving exercise and physical activity.
- Studies to assess the prognostic significance of physical performance, i.e. strength, endurance and coordination.
- Evaluation of mechanisms.
- Studies on optimizing training management in oncological diseases.
- Care research with the goal of high-quality and comprehensive exercise movement therapies being offered throughout Germany (» Network OnkoAktiv)
- PEXO Study - Personalized Exercise Oncology
- IRENE-G Study: Impact of Resistance Exercise and Nutritional Endorsement on GvHD symptoms
- PREFERABLE II-Projekt: Live-remote exercise program for cancer survivors
- MOVE-ONKO Project: Multi-professional care structure and network to promote needs-oriented, local exercise therapy for oncology patients
Recruitment closed
- TOP Study (Part I) - Individual training control for oncological patients
- TOP Study (Part II) - Individual training control for oncological patients
- PETRA-Study: Physical Exercise Therapy and Relaxation in Allogeneic stem cell transplantation
- POSITIVE–Study (PART III): Physical exercise program in lung cancer patients with non-operable disease undergoing palliative treatment
- SUPPORT - Study: Supervised Progressive Resistance Training for Pancreatic Cancer Patients
- Physical Intervention Program for Children and Adolescents under Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation
- Physical Intervention Program for Childhood Cancer Patients under Chemo- and/or Radiation Therapy
- Momentum Project Heidelberg
- SPORTIVUMAB Study: Resistance and endurance training in patients with malign melanoma undergoing immune therapy
- BENEFIT-Study: Exercise for breast cancer patients undergoing neoadjuvant chemotherapy in breast cancer patients to improve therapy tolerance and tumor response
- INTEGRATION-Study - Combined nutrition and physical activity intervention during oncology intervention
- Effects of a physical exercise program prior to, during and after allogeneic stem cell transplantation
- Physical Intervention Program for Children and Adolescents under Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation
- POSITIVE (I+II): Physical performance and psychosocial status in lung cancer patients - results from a pilot study
- RECAP-Study: Reduction of Cancer Related Fatigue in Patients undergoing TKI Therapy
- BEATE - Study: Physical Activity and Progressive Muscle Relaxation as Adjuvant Treatment against Cancer-related Fatigue
- BEST-Study: Progressive Resistance Training and Progressive Muscle Relaxation during Radiotherapy as Adjuvant Treatment against Cancer-related Fatigue
- MOTIVACTION-Study: Motivational intervention enhancing physical activity in oncology patients

Prof. Dr. Joachim Wiskemann
Head of the working group "Exercise Oncology"
Department of Medical Oncology
T: +49 6221 56-5904
F: +49 6221 56-7225
Prof. Dr. phil. Joachim Wiskemann
Dr. phil. Julia Albrecht
Nikolai Bauer
Doktorand / Sportwissenschaftler
Christine Boos
Katharina Herzog
Doktorandin / Sportwissenschaftlerin
Elisa Kebschull
Maximilian Köppel
Doktorand / Sportwissenschaftler
Dr. phil. Rea Maria Kühl
Postdoktorandin / Sportwissenschaftlerin
Victoria Lalla-Stickler
Corinna Meyer-Schwickerath
Doktorandin / Sportwissenschaftlerin
Dr. phil. Jana Müller
Postdoktorandin / Sportwissenschaftlerin
Meret Nickel
Studentische Hilfskraft (LION)
Hannah Oelmaier
Doktorandin / Sportwissenschaftlerin
Franziska Olivier
Sportwissenschaftlerin / Sporttherapeutin
Jean-Luc Paratte
Sport- und Physiotherapeut
Annerose Pfeifer
Dr. sc. hum. Sophie Scherer-Trame
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
Anne Streblow
Sportwissenschaftlerin M.Sc./ Patientenkoordinatorin
Amelie Trautmann
Annelie Voland
Doktorandin / Sportwissenschaft
"Rudern gegen Krebs" (rowing against cancer)
"Bouldern gegen Krebs" (bouldering against cancer)
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"Beweg Dich gegen Krebs" (moving against cancer)
» Further information (only available in German)
Events Network OnkoAktiv
» Further information (only available in German)