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Service & information

Dear patients,

We would like to offer you some personal space for NCT matters on this page. Here you can find the NCT-patient-handbook, which contains information about possible side effects and guidance on life during cancer therapy or informations on the NCT-guide-program.

For comments or criticism

Patients and relatives can contact the NCT Patient Advisory Committee: patientenbeirat(at)

NCT Explanatory Video

What is the NCT and what awaits me there as a patient? How physicians and scientists work together? Who are the supporting institutions of the NCT? The NCT Heidelberg ... simply explained by video.

Video: Interview with Prof. Stefan Fröhling

Stefan Fröhling is Managing Director at NCT Heidelberg and Head of the Translational Medical Oncology Division at DKFZ. He works at the interface between clinical patient care and experimental tumor research. In the interview he talks about the topic "From gene to therapy: individually adapted cancer medicine."