vom 17.03.2020

Information on the counseling services of NCT Heidelberg

The current measures to restrict the spread of the coronar virus (SARS-CoV-2) also affect the counseling services at NCT Heidelberg. In order to minimize the risk, the counseling services avoid personal contacts wherever possible. Counseling interviews are carried out over the phone or in writing, e.g. by e-mail. You can discuss the details and the procedure in individual cases with the employees of the respective counseling service.

All group programs will be suspended until further notice. We will inform you as soon as the situation allows the group programs to continue.

Nutrition Therapy:
Contact +49 6221 56-37229
by e-mail: ernaehrungstherapie@nct-heidelberg.de

Psycho-oncology Service:
Contact +49 6221 56-4727
by e-mail: psychoonkologie@nct-heidelberg.de

Social Services:
Contact +49 6221 56-4477 oder 56-36837
by e-mail: sozialarbeit@nct-heidelberg.de

Physical Activity and Exercise:
Contact +49 6221 56-5918
by e-mail:: krebssport@nct-heidelberg.de

Interruption of the exercise and physical activity program:
From - March 16, 2020, 2 p.m. - we stop all our exercise program up to and including Easter Monday (April 13th). From April 14th 2020 our program will probably start up again. We will inform you if there are any deviations from this schedule.