

Today was a festive moment at the NCT Heidelberg: Petra Olschowski, Baden-Württemberg's Minister...

November 8 is World Day for Children of Parents with Cancer. When a mother or father is...

Scientists from the interdisciplinary EURAT group in Heidelberg have for the first time...

IIn precision oncology, often referred to as personalized cancer medicine, the analysis of...

Press release of the Heidelberg University Hospital (UKHD) The German Cancer...

In addition to medical advice, the NCT Heidelberg offers its patients information and support in...

Keno März has taken over as head of the new NCT Digital Oncology Program at the National Center...

This year's charity concert, "Takte gegen Krebs" (Musical bars against cancer) of the...

For Breast Cancer Awareness Month in October, the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ)...

"Physical activity for cancer - opportunities and risks" on October 12, 2023, from 4 to...