Education and Events

Current events can be found in the »event calendar.
Event formats
- Specialized conferences such as the NCT conference 2016 „Cancer Core Europe Conference on Lymphoma“ and the Innovationsworkshop 2015 „Innovations in Oncology“ focus on specific topics in oncology and facilitate exchange of information and discussions with international experts.
- The NCT spring symposium takes place every year on a Saturday in February and is regularly attended by more than 340 participants. The topic of each year's symposium may be oriented towards a specific organ or address innovative oncologic topics relating to different organs.
- In the annual meeting "Highlights of the Annual Convention of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO)", the most important ASCO presentations are introduced by DKFZ and Heidelberg University Medical School experts, and are discussed with internal and external colleagues.
- The event series "Heidelberg Grand Rounds" takes place five times a year and provides a platform for scientists and physicians on which renowned experts present the latest clinical findings in relevant areas of oncology and hematology.
- In coordination with the Heidelberg University Hospital Department of Internal Medicine V, a series of lectures on oncologic topics is held every Wednesday ("Interdisziplinäre Fortbildungen des NCT Heidelberg").
- These are supplemented by a series of lectures entitled "State of the Art" (the latest knowledge in diagnostics and treatment of a specific tumor entity).
- The continuing education program is supplemented by study group meetings and expert panels, as well as by symposia and workshops organized by the NCT clinical program sectors.