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Clinical Traineeship at NCT

Students have the opportunity to gain an insight into the clinical care in oncological outpatient and in-patient facilities via a clinical traineeship ("Famulatur") over a minimum of two weeks. The Department of Medical Oncology (Medical Clinic VI) is part of the Center for Internal Medicine at Heidelberg University Hospital (UKHD) and a core area of ​​the National Center for Tumor Diseases (NCT) Heidelberg. The training of our future colleagues is very important to us! Please contact us, if you have any questions.

  • NCT-facility in the Medical Clinic
  • NCT-facility in the Salem Hospital
  • Oncological outpatient facility
  • Day care unit

What can we offer you?

  • Regular courses such as practical year classes and intra-departmental training seminars
  • Participate in tumor boards
  • A good physician to student ratio

How can you apply?

If you are enrolled at a university in Germany or in an EU country:

  • Send an application by mail or e-mail to:

    Joscha Kraske 
    PD Dr. med. Stefanie Zschäbitz
    National Center for Tumor Diseases
    Im Neuenheimer Feld 460
    69120 Heidelberg
    E-mail: lehre.nct(at)
  • Specify the desired timeframe as well as the preferred clinical traineeship area (outpatient or in-patient).
  • Please include your CV and proof of enrollment

If you are enrolled at a different university:

Proof of immunity must be provided before commencing clinical practice. Please send us this (or an equivalent) document no later than on the first day of your clinical traineeship. Please be sure to attach copies of the vaccination certificate and the serological findings.