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PEXO Study

PEXO: Personalized Exercise Oncology – Study

Principal investigator:
Prof. Dr. Joachim Wiskemann

Co-Principal investigator:
Dr. Rea Kühl and Maximilian Köppel


The primary goal of the PEXO-Study is to identify groups of patients who are similar in regards to their health status, symptoms, attitudes towards physical activity and physical activity related health competence. Based on these groups, individualized training protocols as well as educational strategies will be developed that should increase the efficacy of exercise therapy and increase the likelihood of patients to engage in physical activity and a physically active lifestyle.


There is a large body of evidence supporting the beneficial impact of physical activity and exercise therapy in cancer patients. However, exercise programs that are individually tailored to the needs of the patients are scarce.


The PEXO study is a survey, e.g. patient are asked once to fill out a questionnaire (Cross sectional study). Overall 500 patients should be enrolled in the survey.

The PEXO study was already conducted on a cohort of 402 cancer patients at the Penn State Cancer Institute in Hershey Pennsylvania USA.

Sub-Study PEXO-M (especially for patients with multiple myeloma)

In cooperation with the Myeloma Center Heidelberg (Prof. Dr. Goldschmidt) the PEXO-M study is conducted. PEXO-M is a sub study of the PEXO study that exclusively enrolls patients with multiple myeloma.

Inclusion and exclusion criteria

Eligibility Criteria

  • Adults with confirmed oncological diagnosis
  • During therapy (chemotherapy, radiation therapy, immune therapy, anti-hormone therapy)
  • German as native language or advanced German language skills

Exclusion Criteria

  • Contraindication for physical training (e.g. severe heart disease, unstable bone metastases)
  • ECOG Status ≥ 2 (impaired autonomy)

Current status

Start of recruitment June 2020


Dr. Rea Kühl (Study Coordination)
Tel.: 06221-56-36180
E-Mail: rea.kuehl(at)

Maximilian Köppel (Study Coordination)
Tel.: 06221-56-34251
E-Mail: maximilian.koeppel(at)

Oliver Friedrich (Study Management)
Tel.: 06221-56-35602
E-Mail: oliver.friedrich(at)