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vom 16.09.2020

Beyond the t Test: Epidemiology and Biostatistics for Doctoral Students

This coming winter semester the Institute for Global Health (in cooperation with the German Cancer Research Center, DKFZ) is offering the course “Epidemiology and Biostatistics for Doctoral Students” (for medical and non-medical students). The course consists of personal coaching for participants’ individual research projects and thematic afternoon sessions on a range of methods for data analysis of clinical and epidemiological studies. The course is designed as a supplementary lecture and seminar series during or before the dissertation.

The course comprises of an initial one-and-a-half-day overview session with individual coaching, plus a range of thematic afternoon sessions over the course of the semester (details below).  Basic knowledge of epidemiology and biostatistics is required and should be acquired prior to the course (suggestions for suitable free online courses available upon request; medical students: successful completion of Q1 module). The course will be held in English.

Registration for the course is open until November 10th! To receive the registration form, please send an e-mail to Caterina Favaretti (caterina.favaretti(at) or download the form from LSF.

Each session has an upper limit of 20 participants. Please watch out for additional sessions which might be announced on short notice. Due to the current Covid-19 situation, the classes might be shifted online.


Date Time Topic
Overview, repetition of epidemiological and statistical concepts, doctoral thesis coaching and counselling
03.12.20  13:30-17:00  Design Thinking: inspection of your study designs (this course will focus on medical doctoral theses)
15.12.20  13:30-17:00  Count the dead: how to measure risks
21.01.21 13:30-17:00    Ever trust statistics? Biased/confounded or not, that is the question
04.02.21 13:30-17:00 How to turn black and white into shades of grey: logistic regression
Backstage: estimation techniques and their application in generalized linear models / Poisson regression + practical session
02.03.21 13:30-17:00 Trendsetter: about longitudinal data and repeated measurements


Further information and registration:

Course Coordinator:
Dr. Andreas Deckert         
Phone: 06221 56-37260
E-mail: a.deckert(at)

Registration and Adminitration:
Caterina Favaretti
E-mail: caterina.favaretti(at)


This course is part of the medical “Wahlfachtrack” Global Health but can be attended by anyone who is interested.