vom 21.02.2024

Three new brochures on inherited breast and ovarian cancer

If close relatives or in particular young women in a family repeatedly develop breast and ovarian cancer, many people ask themselves: Is the cancer inherited and can I as a relative be affected myself at some point? Three new brochures from the Cancer Information Service of the German Cancer Research Center (Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum, DKFZ) inform people with a suspected hereditary risk or those who already have the disease about familial breast and ovarian cancer and discuss possible risk factors, genetic changes and treatment options.

The brochure " Inherited breast and ovarian cancer: Am I affected?" deals with the thoughts and concerns of people who are healthy but have several cases in their family. Urgent questions are answered, for example how a hereditary burden can be proven.

The brochure "Is my cancer inherited?" addresses hereditary risk factors for breast and ovarian cancer and explains what a detected genetic mutation can mean for those affected and their relatives, what treatment options are available and names contact points.

The brochure "Breast cancer and ovarian cancer in the family: What can I do?" is written in simple language and includes clear illustrations and is aimed at people with learning and reading difficulties. People with limited language skills can also benefit from this brochure.

The brochures can also be ordered from the secretariat of the Cancer Information Service:
•    Phone 06221 - 42-2890
•    Fax 06221 - 40-1806
•    E-Mail Sekretariat-Kid@Dkfz-Heidelberg.de