vom 02.08.2024

Familial breast and ovarian cancer information day on September 28

On September 28, the Heidelberg University Hospital's Center for Familial Breast and Ovarian Cancer (FBREK) invites all patients, relatives and medical colleagues to an information day.

The support and guidance of women with familial breast and ovarian cancer syndrome is an interdisciplinary task for various specialists. How do I find out whether I am affected by a hereditary predisposition or is this possibly even an issue for the whole family? What services does the established FBREK center, which will be certified for the first time in 2023, offer you, which specifically cares for these patients, those seeking advice and families, and what is new in diagnostics, early detection and therapy for affected families?

Many important questions to which affected and healthy relatives or interested parties are looking for answers. On this Saturday morning, the organizers want to provide answers to these questions in an understandable way. After the presentations, there will be time and space for questions and discussion.

Further information can be found in the program flyer, available for download here.

Register directly by e-mail until September 18th.