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vom 24.03.2020

Cancellation: 9th NCT charity run on June 26th 2020

Since 2012, the NCT charity run “NCT-RUNing against cancer” is a fixed date for many of you. Everyone has their own motivation to participate and we all have perceived the event as a great sign of community: for health, for the fight against cancer, for those affected and for cancer research at NCT Heidelberg.

Inevitable cancellation
Spreading of the newly discovered Coronavirus SARS CoV-2 and necessary measures occupied us organizers intensively within the last weeks and days. As the consequences for the following months are hardly predictable, we have decided to cancel this year's NCT run.

Social distance but still united
We firmly believe: Despite the global impact of the virus, we can make a difference together. Now, support and efforts of every individual matter more than ever.
Therefore we are working on solutions and offers for everyone who, despite the cancellation of the run, still wants to express the spirit of the NCT run and would like to get involved. We'll let you know about the options available in a few weeks.
Contact persons, current information and updates can also be found at

Registered participants will be contacted within the next few days and informed about the reimbursement of already paid entry fees.

We would like to thank all sponsors, partners and supporters who have been involved in the planning of the NCT charity run 2020.

Take care, hold together during this difficult time and stay healthy!