Pancreatic Tumors

Prof. Dr. Dr. Christoph Springfeld
Medical Oncology

Prof. Dr. Martin Loos
General, Visceral and Transplantation Surgery

Prof. Dr. Sebastian Krug
Gastroenterology, Infectious Diseases, Intoxication
For Physicians: Referral of new patients
In order for us to schedule your patients into the appropriate consultation hours, please send us the completed registration form for new patients and existing diagnostic findings by fax or e-mail in advance. The registration form contains additional information for your patients and can be downloaded as a PDF file. After receiving your fax or e-mail, we will contact your practice or the patient directly.
Information on studies that are currently in the recruiting phase can be found on our website (also available at In addition, the senior physicians responsible for the entity are happy to provide information on further study details.
NCT Patient Center
- Phone: +49 6221 56-5924
Monday–Thursday 8:00–16:00, Friday 8:00–14:30 - Fax: +49 6221 56-4757
- E-mail: nct.patientenzentrum(at)