7NCT HEIDELBERG General Side Effects Hair loss Hair loss will occur approximately 2 4 weeks after the first treatment with cytostatic drugs It can affect all areas of the body including eye lashes eye brows and beard growth Once you have completed the treat ment your hair will start to re grow after 2 4 weeks at the earliest The hair on your head grows approxi mately 1 cm per month Its structure or color may differ from your original hair We recommend Hairless skin especially on your head should be protected from heat especially direct sun light and cold Your scalp also requires skin care If desired we can provide you with a prescription for a wig We recommend that you make use of this at the beginning of your treatment and allow enough time for a wig to be fitted Nausea and vomiting It depends on your individual treatment whether and at what stage you will experience nausea and or vomiting Psychological factors and potential negative experiences may also play an important part This type of nausea is very different from the nausea you would experience in case of an upset stomach or sea sickness The various types of antiemetic drugs available today can soften the effect of therapy induced nausea Please take these antiemetic drugs and any medication at home exactly as prescribed This prophylaxis is extremely important It is also important that you report back to us whether the prescribed amount of the medication is adequate If needed we can increase the dose or add other drugs We recommend Before your treatment you should preferably try to eat easily digestible foods If possible do not come in with an empty stomach Try to make yourself as comfortable as possible and arrange for a relaxed atmosphere during the duration of your chemotherapy Reading or listening to music might distract you and help you to relax If you like it try drinking some fresh ginger tea Take 1 teaspoon of fresh ginger peeled and cut into slices add to 1 liter of cold water and bring to the boil Strain it and drink over the course of the day This is not recommended if you are experiencing fever hot flushes high blood pressure or sleeping problems Remember to take the drugs that have been prescribed to take at home as instructed Loss of appetite Your sense of smell and taste may change due to the medication Foods that you are used to might not taste the same as before some patients describe a metallic taste or food tasting too sweet or very salty Generally your normal sense of taste and smell will return after the treatment has been completed A loss of appetite due to the altered sense of taste may result in weight loss this should be avoided Poor nutrition will weaken your body which in turn may reduce the effectiveness of the treatment

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